A collection of over 3,000+ high quality, curated Handshake TLDs up for grabs
A collection of over 3,000+ high quality, curated Handshake TLDs up for grabs
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Auction Ended
Auction Ended
Auction Ended
Auction Ended
Auction Ended
This is a private group of Handshake enthusiasts whose goal is to:
It is not:
Please email them to escrow@flamingohandshake.com
This is an exclusive, premium, auction which purpose is to take the top quality TLDs and introduce handshake to new people in the ecosystem. While we do like to have submissions from the community, we are under no obligation to accept your TLD.
Yes! We know it is hard to have everyone live at the event. We can discuss your bid as a proxy - but keep in mind we need to verify you to ensure you are a true buyer and reserve the right not to accept proxy bids where we do not feel comfortable.
We have an email list you can subscribe to - or wait until the Airmeete link is published on the site to signup.
Short answer: no. This is because these are blockchain domains and once the seller transfers the domain to the buyer - no refunds or reversals are possible. If we allowed credit card transactions, we as the escrow would be taking a large chargeback risk from the buyer in the case where the buyer receives the Handshake TLD name, and then still decides to file a credit card dispute. We are not certain that the credit card company would understand or accept the idea of crypto domains and may favor the buyer’s chargeback, leaving us as the escrow with no domain name and no funds.
If there are solutions where the name and the payment are interconnected in case of a buyer chargeback, we are open to reconsidering this position. A case where we would hold the name on behalf of the buyer for an extended amount of time until the chargeback risk is mitigated.
We are currently looking into this - but also need to ensure the seller is also open to receiving other currency.
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